Trust Building Activities
Trust is a vital component of any team, organization, or youth program. Here are a few activities to build trust between participants.
Here are a few select activities to get you started:
- Circle of Friends: Trust building; when you want your group to develop a feeling of physical and emotional safety with one another. Risk: Moderate to High. Group Size: 15 – 20. Time: 20 mins.
- Touch the Can: Large group team builder, address personal boundary issues, work on group problem solving skills. Risk: Moderate to High. Group Size: 8. Time: 15–20 mins.
- Trust Box: Builds trust and supports group members. Risk: Moderate to High. Group Size: 10+. Time: 10 mins.
Want More?
For more trust building activities, please see our book Growing Together.
Want to learn more about how we create youth leadership development models in the context of farming, our social justice curriculum, and our food access initiatives? Attend one of our Institutes!