Lenore Travis Memorial Fund

The Lenore Travis Memorial Fund was established in 2015 to honor the legacy of our dear friend and former board member, Lenore Travis.

Lenore was a tireless advocate for The Food Project and our youth leaders. In response to an outpouring of support from her family and friends, The Food Project created the Lenore Travis Youth Retreat, which brings together youth from across our two regions for an intensive weekend of learning, team bonding, and personal growth. Since the inaugural retreat in 2016, this weekend has quickly become a highlight of our year—a meaningful and memorable time that both youth and staff look forward to and cherish.

Thanks to hundreds of generous donations from Lenore’s friends and family, the retreat is now funded through 2020, and we are thrilled to offer this transformative experience to many young people to come.

We continue to accept donations to the fund and welcome your contribution to honor Lenore’s memory by supporting the inspiring youth leaders she cared so deeply about.