Dudley Greenhouse

About the Greenhouse

In addition to farming outdoor land in the neighborhood on the West Cottage Street and Langdon Street Farms, since 2010, The Food Project has managed the lush 10,000-square-foot Dudley Greenhouse in partnership with the Greenhouse Advisory Committee, an elected body of neighborhood residents. The Dudley Greenhouse was built by, and is owned by the Dudley Neighbors Land Trust. It was a project that came out of years of community organizing efforts led by The Dudley Street Neighborhood Association.

Each year, 200 neighborhood residents and community groups grow produce in the greenhouse for the benefit of the Dudley neighborhood. The Greenhouse Advisory Committee reviews applications each year for garden beds and seedling production space and decides how to allocate the available space for maximum community benefit. Click here to learn more about the Greenhouse Advisory Committee.

The Dudley Greenhouse also serves as a resource center for thousands of home and community gardeners throughout the neighborhood. Gardeners come to the Greenhouse for high quality seedlings in the spring, for rich compost in the fall, and to share tips, ask questions, and celebrate the neighborhood’s rich food traditions all year long. Novice growers attend introductory gardening workshops offered throughout the spring and connect with veteran growers who share their expertise.

The Dudley Greenhouse is a one of a kind community resource that serves as a community growing space and a resource hub for neighborhood gardeners.

Growing at the Dudley Greenhouse

Want to use space in the Dudley Greenhouse? Each summer, The Food Project and the Greenhouse Advisory Committee accept applications from organizations and individuals who want to work in partnership to create greenhouse projects. 

 Applications are now closed! Check back in July 2025! 

Apply for Seedling Space 2025

We are currently accepting applications from groups interested in growing seedlings for use in gardening projects. Eligible gardening projects will:

1) Be located in Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan

AND either:

2) Have educational component(s): e.g. schools or community groups growing seedlings to support community-based projects with educational goals,


3) Have community-strengthening component(s): e.g. groups that grow food for the purpose of community-building and/or increasing healthy food access for marginalized groups.

Please submit a completed application by midnight on Friday, January 17, 2025.  Decisions will be made by the Greenhouse Advisory Committee and groups will be notified by February 7. Groups can begin seedling production any time after March 1.